Slaying the Procrastination Monster
Procrastination is a monster that lurks in the lives of every single individual. It is the bane of time management, the number one cause of time wastage, and the ultimate killer of momentum.
Therefore, to be able to effectively control your time and make every second count, it is vital for you to slay that procrastination monster!
Like all other important activities worth doing in life, slaying the procrastination monster is something that requires a huge amount of discipline and willpower, especially at the start.
The master key to doing that, however, is pretty simple. It is to simply start the day doing the activity you dread most. In self-help guru Brian Tracy’s words, “Eat That Frog!”
The rationale behind this method is that once you get over and done with the most dreaded activity, you would be feeling such a sense of accomplishment and invincibility that you know nothing else can stop you. You will also gain a huge amount of momentum that will leave you rolling over the rest of the activities of the day without trouble.
Instead of slaying many procrastination monsters all throughout the day, all you have to do is to slay the king at the starting of the day, and the rest of the procrastination minions will automatically diminish in power, or even disappear altogether, making your day much more pleasant, with a much clearer sense of direction.
However, do note that this activity does need some getting used to, as I believe there are people who have successfully slain the procrastination monster and ended up feeling traumatized about all the time they have lost all their lives.
Do not underestimate the power of this skill due to its simplicity. Its simplicity is where its beauty lies! Once you start getting the feel of how to slay that procrastination monster, you will start shaving hours off unwanted shuffling and deliberating, and finally start getting things done in the fastest and most effective manner!